From My Best to My Top Worst Movies
- FoodFight!, Reason=watch this->Nostalgia Critic's FoodFight! It pretty much sums up my feelings for this PIECE OF.....Just watch it. Director: Lawrence Kasamoff
- Fan4tisc, Reason=They just wasted so much money on dumb script and plot. Director: Josh Trank
- The Last Airbender, Reason=You know kinda like how My Hero Academia: Two Heroes was being made. Expect you know making everyone think "WHY DID THEY EVEN MAKE THIS PREMEDITATED SIN!?". Director: M.Night Shyamalan
- Micheal Bay Transformers Movies 3-5, Reason=Yes I'm kinda cheating but I just had to. TF 1 was pretty cool, TF2 was decent, and then just the rest got more bad with the sequal. Thank god were going to get BumbleBee movie that might be better with the sequals and pretend the others didn't exist. Director: Micheal Bay who you see in the title.

- The Emoji Movie, Reason=Why did it need to exist? Though there is an interesting concept that could be used in Emojis but they used a very stupid lesson. Spoiler Alert, Lesson is Emojis=Get love of your life(WOW Thank you Now going to use emojis to get the girl of my life.). Director: Tony Leondis